Heather Platt

I have experience of acting in commercial disputes between businesses from debt recovery and disputes about all manner of fees including high value disputes relating to partnerships.  My cases often involve allegations of fraud.   I also advise company directors as to their employment law rights and obligations.  I am well placed to advise how to protect your business and as to the enforceability of restrictive covenants and injunctive relief.  Before I became a barrister, I worked for a Top 5 Law Firm in Sydney, Australia.

My approach

As a barrister, I am a specialist legal adviser and court room advocate. I am independent, objective and trained to advise my clients on the strengths and weaknesses of their case. I have specialist knowledge and experience in and out of court, which can make a substantial difference to the outcome of a case.  I am also experienced in negotiations and settlement discussions and can help you define your case strategy. 

I am ranked in Chambers and Partners 2014 for my expertise in employment law.

Early advice can often save clients the cost and worry of an unnecessary trial. A high proportion of civil and employment  cases are settled out of court, and instructing a barrister can greatly strengthen your hand at negotiation. Even at a trial, a well-argued case and good cross-examination will impress a judge and an industrial jury.

By coming to me directly and by undertaking some preparatory work yourself, you can keep your legal costs to a  minimum.

My work

I've been involved in these notable cases:

  • Warner v Armfield Retail & Leisure Ltd (Contract of Employment: Frustration) [2013] UKEAT 0376_12_0810 (8 October 2013)
  • Oni v NHS Leicester City (formerly Leicester City Primary Care Trust) (Practice and Procedure: Costs) [2012] UKEAT 0144_12_1209 (12 September 2012)
  • Oni v NHS Leicester City (2011) UKEATPA/1138/11/LA – costs and list of issues.
  • Okoro & Okenwa v Taylor Woodrow Construction & Ors (2011) UKEAT/0319/10/ZT – continuous discrimination and jurisdiction.
  • Winchester & Eastleigh Healthcare NHS Trust v Walker UKEATPA/1794/10/LA – basic award, continuous service in the NHS.
  • McKinnon v Greater Manchester Police (2011) ET – 15 day race discrimination case brought by volunteer.
  • Hose Express Thurrock Ltd v Jacomb (2009) UKEAT 0389_08_3103 (unreported) – disability related discrimination (possible reference to the ECJ) following London Borough of Lewisham v Malcolm [2008] 1 AC 1399.
  • Henry v (1) London Borough of Southwark (2) South London & Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (2008) – race discrimination; application for review and new evidence; aiding and abetting race discrimination UKEAT/0520/07/DM (unreported).
  • Hamilton v Tesco Stores Limited (2007) ET – Damages of £320,000 for Disability Discrimination; overlapping claims in the County Court for Personal Injury and Professional Negligence


  • Defending injuctive relief and challenging the enforceability of restrictive coventants in the High Court for a financial advisor.
  • Appealing to the Court of Appeal in relation to frustration of contract.

About me

I have been a barrister since 2002.  I represent and advise employees who have been discriminated against or unfairly dismissed.  I also work for businesses, solicitors, professional clients and from members of the public under the Bar's Public Access Scheme (direct access).

I have acted in high value cases for and against large organisations, large accountancy firms, supermarkets and public bodies including primary care trusts, schools, local authorities and police forces.  I have also been involved in cases involving SMEs and have assisted many small businesses without a HR function to ensure compliance with employment and equality and diversity legislation.


What my clients say

"We were quoted over £20,000 by a highly regarded employment law firm to defend a sex discrimination case in the employment tribunal.  Heather was able to offer the same service for under £10,000 and we were happy to carry out some of the administration and bundle preparation ourselves." Online Training Company, Hampshire.

"I thank you for your patient and professional conduct in dealing with my legal and health problems". Claimant disability discrimination case, Romford, Essex

"Miss Platt is a highly competent and reliable counsel and a credit to her chambers". Employment Solicitor, NW London

"Miss Platt’s ability to analyse and grasp detailed information is second to none and I believe this is helped by the excellent preparations undertaken in all the matters she is instructed in.  Miss Platt is a tenacious advocate who I have no hesitation to say is razor sharp both in cross examination and her delivery". Solicitor, Essex

"Heather, thank you so much for the exceptionally helpful and immediate advice today". Partner at GP practice in Southwest London.

"I would like to take the opportunity for thank you for all your all of your hard work. You really have been incredible. You have an innate ability combine sensitivity and kindness with outstanding professionalism and expertise and I am awe of how you conducted our case.  What ever the outcome I know that we have had the very best possible representation and I thank you whole heartedly." Client, sexual harassment case, Farnborough.

"I just wanted to thank you for your invaluable support this week in getting the "job done".  I have very high expectations of myself and those I work with, this I know can be frustrating for some especially compounded by my over anxious state of mind". Former director of major supermarket

Professional & academic



The University of Liverpool LLB (Hons) English & German Laws

One Essex Court Prize for Advocacy (highest marks in Advocacy examinations at the College Of Law)

Nominated for Teaching Award 2010, 2011 and 2012



Employment Law Bar Association

Employment Lawyers’ Association

Industrial Law Society

Personal Injury Bar Association

Public Access Bar Association

Society of Legal Scholars



Advisory and mediation work

Bespoke employer training for SMEs including tribunal simulations

Tactical advice to employers during disciplinary and grievance procedures

Webinars for CLT and DataLaw

Lectures in employment and discrimination law at City University, London

Chambers’ seminar programme, bespoke in-house training and Webinars



CLT Webinar Employment Status (August 2012)

Handle with Kid Gloves (2011) NLJ 762

Out for the Count! (2010) NLJ 1209

Employment: Stress alert! (2009) 159 NLJ 1494

Access all areas (2006) 156 NLJ 1668

On shaky ground (2006) 156 NLJ 91

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