Catherine Hewitt

“I was reassured to take a barrister to court with me, Catherine was formidable in her presentation to the courtof the facts in my case. She always made time for me, listened to what I had to say and kept me informed along the way.” RH

I strongly believe in fighting for my client and not backing down form any issue that needs to be raised in the best interest of my client. However, my experience tells me when it is the right time to consider an alternative approach and to advise the client tonegotiate and settle for the right outcome.

I will always be clear in my advice addressing the client in plain English and not confusethem with legal ‘jargon’. I very quicklystrike up a good rapport with my clients because I take the view it is important to build a professional relationship quicklyand this is why I am happy to offer a FREE30-minute case appraisal to learn more about the specific issue before formal engagement.

I have specialised in family law for more than 16 years, this includes representing my client’s best interests in matters surrounding family finance, children, and domestic violence injunction matters.

I like to maintain a close working relationship with my client’s because they form an extremely important part of the legal team and by working together, we can achieve the best possible outcome in their case.

I have expertise in high value ancillary relief matters having represented and advised clients with complex matters which have included issues involving:

  • Tax
  • Applications for financial remedies
  • Business Accounts
  • Director/ partnership liabilities
  • Pension sharing
  • Multiple properties
  • Maintenance
  • Pre-nuptial& separation agreements
  • Injunctions to prevent disposal of assets or setting aside transactions.
  • Setting aside orders because of non-disclosure of assets
  • TOLATA where parties have lived together, have joint assets but have not married.

I also act in all manner of Children Act matters, from private law disputes to complex care cases acting for parents who seek the best outcome for their children which have included issues involving:

  • Disputed medical evidence
  • Factious and induced illness
  • Shaking
  • Sexual abuse
  • International element
  • Cultural/religious issues
  • Human rights issues

I have a keen interest in EU and International Law and as a result, I have represented many clients before the High Court with an international element where cases have been decided in countries outside of the jurisdiction of the UK.

I appreciate that the end of a relationship is hugely emotional and a very stressful time, especially when children are involved. I am passionate about my role in helping those clients through the family law process, I am always clear with the client what I can do and what I expect from them and I ask that they give clear instruction which saves them money and assists me to fight their case in the best way that I can.

My approach

I strongly believe in fighting for my client and not backing down form any issue that needs to be raised in the best interest of my client. However, my experience tells me when it is the right time to consider an alternative approach and to advise the client tonegotiate and settle for the right outcome.

I will always be clear in my advice addressing the client in plain English and not confusethem with legal ‘jargon’. I very quicklystrike up a good rapport with my clients because I take the view it is important to build a professional relationship quicklyand this is why I am happy to offer a FREE30-minute case appraisal to learn more about the specific issue before formal engagement.

My work

I have expertise in high value ancillary relief matters having represented and advised clients with complex matters which have included issues involving:

  • Tax
  • Applications for financial remedies
  • Business Accounts
  • Director/ partnership liabilities
  • Pension sharing
  • Multiple properties
  • Maintenance
  • Pre-nuptial& separation agreements
  • Injunctions to prevent disposal of assets or setting aside transactions.
  • Setting aside orders because of non-disclosure of assets
  • TOLATA where parties have lived together, have joint assets but have not married.

I also act in all manner of Children Act matters, from private law disputes to complex care cases acting for parents who seek the best outcome for their children which have included issues involving:

  • Disputed medical evidence
  • Factious and induced illness
  • Shaking
  • Sexual abuse
  • International element
  • Cultural/religious issues
  • Human rights issues

I have a keen interest in EU and International Law and as a result, I have represented many clients before the High Court with an international element where cases have been decided in countries outside of the jurisdiction of the UK.

I appreciate that the end of a relationship is hugely emotional and a very stressful time, especially when children are involved. I am passionate about my role in helping those clients through the family law process, I am always clear with the client what I can do and what I expect from them and I ask that they give clear instruction which saves them money and assists me to fight their case in the best way that I can.

What my clients say

“I was reassured to take a barrister to court with me, Catherine was formidable in her presentation to the courtof the facts in my case. She always made time for me, listened to what I had to say and kept me informed along the way.” RH

'I have been working with Catherine Hewitt for the past two months now, and she is really top-notch. She leaves the counsel I've had so far in the dust.
Highly recommended, Eric Schachter.'

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