Paula Rhone-Adrien

Paula-Rhone-Adrien is an extremely experienced and highly sought after family practitioner with more than 20-years’experience at the English Bar. She is regularly instructed by high net-worth clients with complex financial arrangements and has expertise in all aspects of relationship breakdown between married and unmarried couples, which includes:

  • Matrimonial finance (ancillary relief).
  • International individuals and disputes involving offshore assets.
  • Child custody and arrangements.
  • Specific issues such as schooling or medical treatment or taking children aboard temporarily or permanently.
  • Enforcement of (and changes to) existing orders regarding children.
  • Child abduction and relocation.
  • Domestic abuse (representing male and female clients and those who identify as LGBTQ+)
  • Co-habitation disputes and TOLATA.

Paula consistently receives repeat instructions, being recognised as a fearless and tenacious advocate. She holds a 3rd Dan Black Belt in the Korean Martial Art – ‘Tang Soo Do’ and was recently featured in The Times as ‘Lawyer of the Week’. She combines her busy court and advisory practice with expert and social commentary for national broadcasters, including the BBC, ITV and Channel 5 whilst also extending her online presence by regularly appearing with Piers Morgan on his popular show, Uncensored.

My approach

Whilst Paula is happy to operate as a ‘traditional barrister’ by receiving instructions and providing advice when required, she also accepts direct access work from the public where appropriate. Due to Paula’s busy practice and loyal client base, she is selective when considering such instructions. First and foremost, she wants to work with engaged clients. This is principally because when Paula takes on a new client, she works to the absolute best of her ability and is completely committed to achieving the right outcomes, where possible. As such, she expects the same engagement from her clients and believes that positive results are most likely achieved when persons are working together as part of a committed team.

Despite Paula’s fearsome reputation, she is deeply compassionate about the difficulties which her clients often find themselves in. She has never forgotten where she has come from, what it took to achieve successes, and the individuals who provided her with guidance, mentoring and encouragement at key moments.

Paula is mindful that to reduce cost and stress, it is often best for all parties to settle the dispute quickly and privately. She appreciates that a successful approach to litigation is to recognise when to deploy a collaborative rather than a combative approach. Paula has no difficulty adopting either, depending on the needs of her client.

My work

A selection of her media work, reported decisions, and interesting articles are set out below:


Paula 'slams' Piers Morgan

Paula with Jeremy Vine

Rishi Sunak is failing UK says Paula-Rhone Adrien

Reported Decisions

K v F [2023] EWHC 680 (Fam)

Decision Here


Paula successfully represented the mother at trial and on appeal. In that case, the mother had obtained an indirect contact order, meaning that the parties then 5-year old daughter, T, would only be available to spend time with the [father] by way of indirect contact. At the hearing, HHJ Redgrave conducted a fact-finding hearing in relation to the allegations of domestic abuse. She delivered a judgement making findings against the father. He subsequently appealed that decision, which was heard by Mr Justice Cobb sitting in the High Court of Justice Family Division.

Paula appeared for mother and resisted the appeal based on ‘the damage to the children as a result of the proven acts of abuse by the father, as reflected by the fact-finding judgment.’ During the appeal, Paula ‘pointed to the fact that the father had no insights into his behaviour (abuse of the mother), and his alleged abuse of drugs and alcohol, telling the Judge that he did not accept her findings.’ Paula also ‘pointed to a section of the father’s evidence at the hearing before the Judge which characterised his approach.’ The appeal was dismissed, with the Judge upholding the limited indirect contact order.

NP v BR [2019] EWHC 3854 (Fam)

Decision Here


A father applied for a child arrangements order directing that his five-year-old daughter be removed from her mother’s care to live with him. Applying the welfare checklist, it was in a five-year-old child’s best interests to make a child arrangements order, directing that she be transferred from her mother’s care to live with her father.

NA v MSK [2018] EWFC 54

Decision Here


In divorce proceedings, where it was shown that the religious ceremony the husband and wife had entered into did not comply with the legal formalities for a valid marriage, the presumption of marriage arising out of cohabitation and reputation did not operate on the facts so as to presume a valid marriage under English law. However, the marriage fell within the Matrimonial Causes Act 1973 s.11 and was a marriage entered into in disregard of certain requirements as to the formation of marriage. It was therefore a void marriage and the wife was entitled to a decree of nullity.

A, Re [2010] EWHC 978 (Fam)

Decision Here


The court gave guidance on the scope of a local authority’s positive obligations when it knew or ought to have known that a vulnerable child or adult was subject to restrictions on their liberty by a private individual, albeit for the purpose of their welfare and best interests, that arguably gave rise to a deprivation of liberty, contrary to the European Convention on Human Rights 1950 art.5.


Paula Rhone Adrien has filmed three short videos giving advice on core topics faced by people separating or going through a divorce. In these quick clips she gives expert advice on the division of assets, child access arrangements, and domestic abuse.

  • Mumsnet: ‘Division of assets in a divorce’: Here
  • Mumsnet: Custody/access arrangements for the non-resident parent’: Here
  • Mumsnet: Domestic abuse’: Here


Paula is a prolific writer, providing numerous articles for any number of publications:

  • The Times, Paula Rhone-Adrien, who acted in Sharia divorce dispute: Here
  • Lawyer Monthly, An Immigrant’s Journey to Becoming a Barrister at the English Bar: Here
  • Gay Times, Racism isn’t innate, it is learnt: The LGBTQ+ community needs to do better Here
  • Open Access Government, ‘Top Barrister urges UK hotels to house domestic violence victims’ Here


  • ‘Mixed Up by Nicole Ocran and Emma Slade Edmondson’, Paula Rhone-Adrien on racism in the legal profession, how domestic abuse manifests, and where you can find support: Here
  • Managing separation/divorce, with Vernon Kay & Holly Mackay, Parenting Past the Pandemic: Here

Social Media

About me

Paula Rhone-Adrien was called to the Bar (Inner Temple) in 1998. She is a barrister, mediator, media personality, campaigner, martial artist (3rd Dan Black Belt), mother and wife.

Paula moved as an infant to the United Kingdom from Kingston, Jamaica. She grew up in Tottenham and went to Secondary School in Plaistow, East London (Lister Community School). Paula studied Law at the University of East London (whilst living by herself in homeless accommodation) and then secured a scholarship to the Utrecht University (Netherlands).

Paula has written about her experiences in Lawyer Monthly, entitled ‘An Immigrant’s Journey to Becoming a Barrister at the English Bar.’ The article can be viewed Here, with an extract below:

‘The next 10 years weren’t easy. I couldn’t go to King’s because I could no longer afford to (those were the days just before student loans) and then when I did get to go to university, I spent most of my time not eating and working to pay for my travel and accommodation. Over that decade, there were times when I was homeless and I was heavily reliant on friends and family for charity, all because I refused to give up on my dream.’

During these 10 years, Paula pursued her martial art career in Tang Soo Doo under the tutelage of Master Khan (now Grand Master). She was European Grand Champion (Female, Black Belt) at the 2001 European Championships held in Newport, South Wales. At the 2007 European Championships held in Ismaning, Germany, she was again crowned European Grand Champion (Female, Black Belt) scoring full points in ‘Weapons’, ‘Hyungs’ and ‘Sparring’. Along the way, Paula was cast as a Power Ranger (the Yellow one) in the ‘Power Rangers “The Movie” Roadshow’, which allowed her to tour the United Kingdom and self-fund her further studies.

Paula is a member of Lamb Building which is a leading set of family and criminal barristers based in Middle Temple, London. Lamb Building has 57 members, including four King’s Counsel, and offers expertise and experience in a broad range of civil, criminal and family matters. It was established in 1954 when Alan King-Hamilton moved his set to Lamb Building from 4 Temple Gardens. In 1964, Lamb Building merged with the Chambers of Stanislaus Seuffert, a highly successful family silk from Goldsmith’s Buildings. The present Head of Chambers is Bernard Richmond KC, who took the position in 2013. The senior clerk is the well-regarded Gary Goodger.

What my clients say

"Paula is a persuasive advocate which she combines with emotional intelligence. Clients love her. She is confident, knowledgeable, funny and engaging."

Warren Nichols, Partner in the Family Law team at Maddox Legal.

"Paula is absolutely loved and trusted by clients. She has a down-to-earth charm which is always well received and puts her clients and complete ease."

Christine Boot, Venters.

"She is a force of nature. She is brilliant. I would always recommend Paula."

Emma Patel, Senior Partner and Head of Financial Remedies, Rosewood Solicitors.


Professional & academic

LLB (Hons)

Bar Vocational Course.

I am Regulated by the Bar Council and Bar Standards Board

I am Insured by the Bar Mutual Indemnity Fund

Barrister's Social Media