Roderick Hine

Rod is an experienced advocate with over 30 years call. Has sat as a Deputy District Judge for the last 12 years. Rod's practice mainly involves the Western Circuit, London and the Home Counties but is always willing to travel further afield. Rod is approved by Law Society to provide courses for solicitors requiring CPD points, Previously a Law Lecturer providing Professional and A Level Courses.

Rod specialises in Family law, regularly appearing in Ancillary relief, Children matters, (Private and Public law) in the County and High Court.

My work

Reported Cases & Publications

AG Ref 46 of 2000 (whether probation unduly lenient sentence for sex offenders.)

Re C a Child EWCA CIV 89

C ( a child) [2010] EWCA Civ 89

About me

Personal Interests

Keeping fit. Mountain Biking, Motorcycling, Running, Theatre and Reading

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