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A litigant in person has been told that his committal application against a private client lawyer was “a farrago of nonsense” and has been ordered to pay costs. The judge, Munby J, said Desmond Fitzgerald’s allegations against Frances Hughes, a partner at Hughes Fowler Carruthers, were “scurrilous... ... read more
August 30th, 2016
A former Met Police officer who sued the force for wrongly using its powers to investigate her has won a case over a breach of human rights and misuse of private information. The case arose after Andrea Brown, a detective constable, was quizzed after going on holiday with her daughter while on sick... ... read more
August 26th, 2016
Nearly six in 10 adults have committed an offence in the past year, a new survey has revealed, as reported in The Times.
Top of the league of common crimes are motoring offences, including driving over the speed limit (35 per cent), eating or drinking at the wheel (21 per cent) and using a mobile... ... read more
August 25th, 2016
Researchers in Cardiff University have found that in the period following Edward Snowden’ revelations about the CIA there has been an “unprecedented level of government surveillance of citizens”, with “far-reaching, concerning and significant consequences for civil rights”. ... read more
June 28th, 2016
In response to a statement by the Legal Services Board that came out in support of the idea of paying McKenzie Friends for their work, the Chairman of the Bar, Chantal-Aimée Doerries QC, has explained why unregulated, unqualified and uninsured individuals should not be paid for helping litigants in... ... read more
June 9th, 2016
While employment lawyers await the outcome of a government review of employment tribunal fees, research by the conciliatory body Acas suggests one in five cases were withdrawn as a result of the “off-putting” fees, according to The Law Society Gazette. ... read more
June 3rd, 2016
Everything you always wanted to know about the English legal system is published in a new “Visitor’s Guide” to the judicial system of England and Wales (which is the complete name of the jurisdiction). ... read more
June 2nd, 2016
The Rolling Stones have ordered Donald Trump to stop using their songs in his election rallies. Up until now, Trump rallies have featured two of their songs, Start me Up and You Can’t Always Get What you Want. ... read more
May 6th, 2016
A month after the Court of Appeal upheld a challenge to the government’s changes to legal aid for victims of domestic violence, the Ministry of Justice has announced it is more than doubling the original time limit for evidence, according to the Law Society Gazette. ... read more
April 25th, 2016
A blind woman is spearheading a campaign against Uber drivers after being repeatedly snubbed because she has a guide dog. Jade Sharp, 23, said some drivers for the hire firm cancel pick-ups when they learn that her five-year-old golden retriever Brodie will be coming along. ... read more
April 21st, 2016
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