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motoring law barrister
What are your rights if you are accused of a Road Traffic Offence and then receive a Notice of Intended Prosecution (aka NIPs)?
Sunil Rupasinha, a noted motoring offences barristers, offers a few tips.
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June 22nd, 2017
A lorry driver who was filmed checking his mobile phone while on a motorway has been jailed for 10 years after he drove the vehicle into a group of stationary vehicles killing four people in a car that was crushed by being shunted underneath lorry. ... read more
November 2nd, 2016
The RAC has released the results of a survey which found that nearly a third (31 per cent) of motorists said they used a handheld phone behind the wheel against the law compared with 8 per cent in 2014. ... read more
September 19th, 2016
A man professing to be a big fan of the Back to the Future films has been filmed driving his DeLorean car at precisely 88mph. Nigel Mills was quoted as saying, “I wasn’t trying to time travel. It was at 11.oo am on Sunday and the road was completely clear.” ... read more
September 16th, 2016
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